
Cybersecurity structure shapes ransomware success – choose wisely for results

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Organizational structure of security teams impacts ransomware outcomes. Sophos report surveyed 3,000 IT professionals in 14 countries. Three models evaluated: separate IT and cybersecurity teams, dedicated cybersecurity team within IT, and IT team managing cybersecurity. Organizations with dedicated cybersecurity team or integrated teams had better ransomware recovery outcomes and lower ransom payments compared to those with separate teams. Model 2 organizations fared the best due to enhanced collaboration and shared outcomes between security and IT teams, leading to faster recovery, lower ransom payments, and reduced revenue loss.

In-depth analysis of how cybersecurity organizational structure affects ransomware outcomes and day-to-day cybersecurity challenges.


Last week, the discussion revolved around how the organizational structure of security teams affects ransomware attacks. This week, the focus shifts to how security team structure impacts ransomware attack recovery operations and day-to-day cybersecurity outcomes. Sophos’s report, “Impact of Organizational Structure on Cybersecurity Outcomes,” is based on a survey of 3,000 IT and cybersecurity professionals across 14 countries.

The survey evaluated three models of organizational structure: separate IT and cybersecurity teams, a dedicated cybersecurity team within the IT organization, and IT team managing cybersecurity. The findings revealed that organizations with a dedicated cybersecurity team or integrated security and IT teams had better ransomware recovery outcomes and lower ransom payments compared to organizations with separate teams.

For instance, organizations where cybersecurity was integrated into the IT team reported higher success rates in backing up and recovering encrypted data, with lower percentages of participants paying ransoms. These organizations also experienced faster recovery from ransomware attacks and lower overall ransom payment amounts.

On the other hand, organizations with separate IT and cybersecurity teams showed lower resilience to ransomware attacks, higher ransom payment amounts, slower recovery times, and increased revenue loss due to attacks. The study highlighted the importance of collaboration and shared outcomes between security and IT teams in mitigating ransomware risks and enhancing cybersecurity posture.

Despite facing similar cybersecurity challenges, organizations with integrated security and IT teams (Model 2) reported better day-to-day cybersecurity outcomes compared to organizations with separate teams. The report emphasized the need for optimizing IT and security teams for enhanced collaboration to improve cybersecurity posture and mitigate cyber threats effectively.

In conclusion, the study underscores the significance of organizational structure in influencing ransomware outcomes and day-to-day cybersecurity challenges. By fostering collaboration and shared outcomes between security and IT teams, organizations can enhance their resilience to ransomware attacks, reduce ransom payments, mitigate revenue loss, and improve overall cybersecurity posture.

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