
UK government lacks safeguards against hacks, cyber experts caution

1 min read


  • UK government’s cyber defences are underfunded and underprepared, according to experts.
  • A massive hack on the Ministry of Defence, reportedly carried out by China, compromised the names and bank details of armed forces personnel and veterans.

Security experts have warned that the UK government is relying on “good will” when it comes to cyber defence, following a massive hack on the Ministry of Defence reportedly carried out by China. The names and bank details of tens of thousands of British armed forces personnel and veterans were compromised after a third-party payroll system was breached. Experts point to out-of-date security systems and inadequate funding for public sector cyber defence as major issues.

A job posting for a position as “Head of Cyber Security” within a government department was widely shared online, revealing a salary below market standards in the private sector. This indicates the lower salaries offered by the government in this crucial area of defence, leading to a reliance on people’s goodwill in these roles.

China has denied involvement in the cyber attack, with a spokesperson for the Chinese embassy in the UK calling reports false information. The UK government has yet to attribute the attack to a specific state actor, and Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s spokesperson stated that the Ministry of Defence has taken immediate action to address the breach.

Experts are urging for increased investment in defence and security measures, both at central and local government levels, to better prepare the UK’s cyber defences against future attacks.

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