
Google gives $1M to University of Arizona for Cybersecurity Clinic

1 min read


  • University of Arizona awarded $1 million from Google for Cybersecurity Clinic
  • Clinic to offer free digital security services to Southern Arizona businesses and nonprofits starting in January

A new University of Arizona Cybersecurity Clinic, funded by a $1 million grant from Google, will provide free cybersecurity services to Southern Arizona businesses and nonprofits starting in January. The clinic, led by associate professor Paul Wagner, will offer services such as vulnerability assessments, security audits, and compliance checks. Students will play a key role in educating and improving clients’ cyber safety, with a goal of reaching 900 students over the six-year grant period. The clinic plans to serve 30 businesses in its first two semesters and hopes to expand to serving 150 businesses by the end of the six years. Small businesses in Southern Arizona will be the main market initially, with plans to serve businesses statewide in the third year. Interested parties can contact the College of Applied Science and Technology in Sierra Vista for more information.

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