
Santander staff info hacked due to Snowflake cyberattack connection

1 min read


Over 12,000 Santander US employees had their personal information compromised in a data breach linked to a Snowflake attack. The breach involved employee names, Social Security numbers, and bank account information used for payroll. The attack was discovered in May 2024 and impacted employees in the US, Spain, Chile, and Uruguay. Threat actors accessed customer accounts without multi-factor authentication enabled, resulting in information compromise.

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In a recent data breach linked to a Snowflake attack, over 12,000 Santander US employees had their personal information compromised. The breach, discovered in May 2024, involved employee names, Social Security numbers, and bank account information used for payroll.

Upon learning of the breach, Santander promptly took steps to protect its systems, including blocking access to the affected system and implementing preventative measures to safeguard their systems further. The incident impacted employees in the US, Spain, Chile, and Uruguay.

The attack was part of a larger campaign where threat actors accessed customer accounts without multi-factor authentication enabled. This resulted in the compromise of information for customers and employees across various countries. The campaign, attributed to a financially motivated threat actor tracked as UNC5537, compromised accounts of 165 organizations, according to Mandiant.

Overall, the breach highlights the importance of robust cybersecurity measures, especially when dealing with sensitive employee and customer data. Multi-factor authentication, regular monitoring of third-party systems, and prompt response to security incidents are essential to mitigate the risk of data breaches.

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