
Estonia eyeing Indian alliance to boost cybersecurity infrastructure

1 min read


  • Estonia is looking to partner with India to strengthen their cybersecurity infrastructure.
  • Both countries face cyber threats from their neighbors – Estonia from Russia and India from China.

Estonia, known for its advanced digital systems, is seeking collaboration with India to enhance cybersecurity measures. The Baltic country, located near Russia, faces numerous cyberattacks, especially due to its stance on the war between Russia and Ukraine. Similarly, India is under threat from China. The Secretary General of the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed interest in working with India to conduct cyber exercises and collaborate on digital services and education systems.

In 2007, Estonia experienced a large cyberattack, and since then, has faced ongoing threats from Russian actors. India also deals with cyber threats, primarily from state-backed actors in China who aim to access information through ransomware attacks. The NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence welcomes democratic nations like India to join efforts in addressing cyber-attacks.

Estonia and India’s ties are growing, with India participating in a NATO-run cyber security exercise in Estonia. Despite differences in size and population, the countries are exploring collaboration in cybersecurity, including involvement of the private sector. Both nations have national identity systems and could benefit from sharing knowledge and methods to combat cyber threats.

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