
Big Tech faces responsibility under US’s Cyber Accountability Strategy

1 min read

TLDR: Cyber Accountability: US Strategy Puts Onus on Big Tech

Key Points:

  • US government shifting cybersecurity accountability to big tech corporations
  • Focus on incentivizing companies like Microsoft and Google to maintain high security levels

Article Summary

The US government is emphasizing the accountability of large corporations for cybersecurity in its 2023 strategy. This strategy aims to shift responsibility and legal liability to software publishers like Microsoft and Google, rather than individuals, to ensure a secure posture. Incentives such as tax benefits and workforce development initiatives will further strengthen this model. The implications of this shift globally are profound, as major tech providers are primarily based in the US. Countries without these tech giants must partner with the US to implement similar strategies within their jurisdictions. The strategy ultimately fosters a decentralized approach to cybersecurity, impacting critical infrastructure protection in the US.

In a recent interview at Black Hat 2024, national security researcher Alex O’Neill and student Lachlan Price discussed the encouragement of private sector cybersecurity investments by global governments, as well as the vital role of local US infrastructure in national cybersecurity efforts. O’Neill leads the Korea Project at the Belfer Center and focuses on North Korean cyber operations, while Price specializes in enterprise strategy, operations, and cutting-edge technologies in national security.

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