
Watch out for WhatsApp Hackers stealing your payment data with codes

1 min read


  • The NCSC of Ireland warns of WhatsApp verification code scams targeting users to steal payments and sensitive information
  • The scam involves the attacker obtaining the victim’s phone number, triggering a verification code to be sent to the victim’s phone, and then posing as a trusted contact to request the code

The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) of Ireland has issued a warning about a rise in WhatsApp verification code scams that are being used to steal payments and sensitive information from users. The scam involves the attacker obtaining the victim’s phone number and entering it into WhatsApp’s login screen to trigger a verification code to be sent to the victim’s phone. The attacker then poses as a trusted contact and requests the verification code from the victim, claiming urgency. This impersonation is possible because the scammer has already compromised the account of someone the victim knows.

Once the victim shares the verification code, the scammer can access their WhatsApp account, potentially locking the victim out, spreading the scam further, or exploiting the victim’s contacts. This could lead to additional security breaches and potential financial or personal losses.

To protect against these scams, the NCSC recommends several precautionary measures:

  • Keep your verification code private and treat it like a secure password
  • Activate two-step verification for enhanced security
  • Be cautious of urgent requests for money or sensitive information, even if they appear to come from someone you know
  • Report and block suspicious activity within WhatsApp
  • The NCSC stresses the importance of staying vigilant and informed to protect against evolving cyber threats. It’s crucial to take steps to safeguard personal and financial information to prevent falling victim to these scams.

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