
West Virginia Public Broadcasting: Student pregnancy, cybersecurity tackle education committees

1 min read

In a meeting on Monday, the House Education Committee in West Virginia discussed House Bill 5179, also known as Jaycie’s Law, which seeks to support pregnant and parenting students. The bill would require each county board to develop a written attendance policy that excuses all absences due to pregnancy or parenting-related conditions for up to eight weeks. The committee amended the bill to clarify that schools can refer pregnant students to pregnancy health organizations on a permissive basis, rather than as a requirement. The bill was then recommended to the full chamber. The House committee also advanced several other bills related to education, including bills regarding in-state tuition for National Guard members and their dependents, as well as Hope Scholarship funding.

In the Senate Education Committee, members heard from law enforcement about the importance of educating students about online safety. Senate Bill 466 requires the state board to develop an education program for teaching safety while accessing technology. The committee voted to recommend the bill to the full Senate.

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