
Biden safeguarding seas, targeting China’s cyber threats

1 min read


  • The Biden administration announced initiatives to strengthen maritime cybersecurity and revive domestic crane manufacturing to reduce reliance on China.
  • An executive order empowers the Coast Guard to address maritime cyber threats and control vessels posing cyber threats.

Cynthia Brumfield’s article highlights the Biden administration’s efforts to enhance the cybersecurity of the American marine transportation system by targeting China threats. The initiatives include an executive order that grants the Department of Homeland Security’s Coast Guard authority to address maritime cyber threats directly. This order mandates reporting of cyber incidents endangering vessels, harbors, ports, or waterfront facilities. The Coast Guard can now control vessels posing cyber threats and inspect facilities that jeopardize US cybersecurity.

Following the executive order, the Coast Guard issued a Maritime Security Directive focusing on cyber risk management for ship-to-shore cranes manufactured by the People’s Republic of China. The directive seeks to address vulnerabilities identified in the updated US Maritime Advisory, warning of risks associated with Chinese-manufactured cranes and related infrastructure.

In addition to the directive, the Coast Guard also proposed a rulemaking to establish minimum cybersecurity requirements for US-flagged vessels and facilities subject to maritime security regulations. The rules aim to address current and emerging cybersecurity threats in the maritime industry, covering various security measures and incident reporting protocols.

The Biden administration aims to revive a domestic crane manufacturing industry to reduce reliance on China’s dominance in port crane supply. By investing in US port infrastructure, the administration plans to partner with trusted manufacturers like PACECO Corp. to onshore crane production and bolster industrial capacity.

Lawmakers and cybersecurity experts have welcomed the administration’s initiatives, emphasizing the importance of enhancing port cybersecurity to safeguard economic activity and global supply chains. While some experts acknowledge the positive steps taken, they stress the need for sufficient funding and detailed implementation to meet cybersecurity objectives.

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