
Albania Under Attack: Coordinated Cyber Strike Targets Online Citizens Channel

1 min read


Unknown perpetrators conducted a coordinated cyber attack on Citizens Channel, an online media outlet in Albania. Posts were removed from Facebook as spam content, leading to a DDoS attack on the website. The SafeJournalists network expressed concern about efforts to undermine media freedom in Albania. The attack compromised the security and work of Citizens Channel, limiting access to independent information.

In the wake of a cyber attack on Citizens Channel, an online media outlet in Albania, concerns have been raised about media freedom and access to independent information in the country. The attack, suspected to be a Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack, came after posts from the media outlet were removed from Facebook as “spam content” in a coordinated manner.

The SafeJournalists network expressed concern over the attack, stating that the profile, work, and security of Citizens Channel had been compromised. The attack not only limited access to independent information for citizens but also undermined the efforts of media outlets like Citizens Channel to provide quality journalism.

Experts and researchers in the field of digital security emphasized the need to probe such organized cyber attacks and provide support to those facing them. The attack on Citizens Channel highlights the challenges faced by media outlets in Albania in terms of media freedom and digital rights.

The attack on Citizens Channel comes amidst growing concerns about press freedom in Albania, as highlighted by international watchdog Reporters Without Borders. The European Commission’s report on Albania’s progress towards EU accession also noted the lack of progress in terms of media freedom in the country.

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