
Aussie Cyber Pros Reveal Rising Stress Levels

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Australian cybersecurity professionals are facing increased job stress due to a complex threat landscape, low budgets, and hiring challenges. The industry prefers candidates with cybersecurity experience, leading to a skills gap in entry-level positions. Lack of confidence in cyber defense remains a concern, with many organizations unprepared for cyberattacks. Investment in cybersecurity falls short, with many professionals feeling their teams are underfunded and understaffed.

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A recent survey by ISACA revealed that 64% of Australian cybersecurity professionals find their roles more stressful than they were five years ago. This is primarily attributed to an increasingly complex threat landscape, low budgets, and challenges with hiring and retention. The report showed that 48% of Australians cited a low budget as a factor contributing to stress, and 50% pointed to hiring and retention challenges.

Despite a growing need for cybersecurity professionals, the industry tends to prioritize candidates with cybersecurity or IT experience, leading to a skills gap in entry-level positions. The survey found that 82% of employers prioritize prior hands-on experience, while 36% emphasize the importance of credentials. This preference for experience may affect the industry in the long run, as the report highlighted an aging workforce in the cybersecurity sector.

Concerns over the lack of confidence in cyber defense were also raised in the survey. While fewer cyberattacks were reported in Australia compared to global averages, the complexity of attacks is increasing, requiring more effort and vigilance from cybersecurity professionals. Organizations need to focus on ongoing education and training to stay ahead of evolving threats.

Additionally, the survey highlighted that investment in cybersecurity and team headcount falls short in Australia. Many professionals feel that their cyber functions are underfunded, with budgets not keeping pace with the demands of their roles and organizations. Despite the need for more cybersecurity hires, many organizations have open positions that remain unfilled, leading to understaffed teams in a high-pressure environment.

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