
CEOs: Time to Rethink Trust with the Rise of Deepfakes

1 min read


  • The rise of deepfakes is forcing CEOs to rethink trust in their organizations.
  • AI-driven social engineering attacks have increased, with 43% of successful attacks based on social engineering.

The Rise Of Deepfakes Means CEOs Need To Rethink Trust

The article discusses the impact of deepfake technology on the trust levels within organizations, specifically highlighting the increase in social engineering attacks driven by AI. With the ease of creating deepfakes, corporate leaders are more vulnerable to impersonation, leading to successful attacks and financial losses. The key points discussed in the article include:

  • Investing in cybersecurity is essential to build trust within the organization. CEOs need to ensure that their cybersecurity team is properly resourced to defend against sophisticated attacks.
  • Equipping team blue, the defensive team, with the latest tools and technologies such as AI is crucial in combating social engineering attacks.
  • Building trust through context, by establishing preset rules and communication patterns, can help prevent falling prey to deepfake attacks.

The article emphasizes the importance of staying vigilant in the face of deepfake threats and taking proactive steps to protect the organization’s trust. By investing in cybersecurity, empowering team blue, and creating context-based trust, CEOs can navigate the evolving landscape of AI-driven attacks.

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