
Cybersecurity experts unite with state leaders for inaugural conference collaboration

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At the inaugural SC CIC conference in West Columbia, cybersecurity experts and state leaders collaborated to address the increasing need for online security. Speakers included Governor Henry McMaster and Dr. Gerry Auger. Chief of SLED, Mark Keel, emphasized the importance of staying ahead of cyber thieves. Preventative measures include visiting the FBI’s Internet Crime and Complaint Center website for tips and alerts.

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Cybersecurity experts from the SC Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity organization recently collaborated with state leaders at an inaugural conference in West Columbia. The event aimed to address the growing importance of online security as technology becomes more integrated into daily life.

Key points from the conference included:

  • Speakers like Governor Henry McMaster and Dr. Gerry Auger discussing the importance of collaboration and building cyber solutions.
  • SC CIC Director Ryan Truskey highlighting the organization’s role in protecting critical infrastructure such as energy companies, water facilities, and local government services.
  • Chief of SLED, Mark Keel, stressing the need for law enforcement to stay ahead of cyber thieves as they become more sophisticated.
  • Truskey recommending the FBI’s Internet Crime and Complaint Center website as a resource for cyber attack prevention, including tips on elder fraud.

As cyber threats continue to evolve, the need for proactive measures and collaboration between organizations and government entities becomes increasingly crucial. Governor McMaster emphasized the importance of safeguarding the state’s infrastructure, while Dr. Gerry Auger provided insights from Simply Cyber on cyber solutions.

Chief Keel highlighted the pervasive impact of cyber attacks on various aspects of society, emphasizing the importance of staying vigilant and proactive in the face of evolving threats. He pointed out that computers now run almost every aspect of our daily lives, underscoring the need for robust cybersecurity measures.

In conclusion, the collaboration between cybersecurity experts and state leaders at the inaugural conference underscores the importance of proactive cybersecurity measures to safeguard critical infrastructure and protect against online threats. By staying informed, following best practices, and leveraging resources like the FBI’s Internet Crime and Complaint Center, individuals and organizations can help prevent cyber attacks and secure their online presence.

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