
Frontier Communications hit by cyber attack, sensitive data leaked

1 min read

Frontier Communications Cyber Attack Summary


Frontier Communications, a Dallas-based Internet provider, experienced a cyber attack that forced them to shut down systems temporarily. A cybercrime group gained unauthorized access to personal data, but the extent of the breach is still unknown. Telecom companies like Frontier are popular targets for hackers due to the sensitive information they collect and store.

Frontier Communications, a Dallas, Texas-based optic-fiber Internet provider, experienced a cyber attack by a suspected cybercrime group leading to system shutdowns and leaks of personal data.


Frontier Communications, a long-standing telecom company, faced a cyber attack initiated by a cybercrime group that gained unauthorized access to their systems. The company shut down some systems to contain the incident, causing operational disruptions for customers. While the cyber attack mainly affected internal support systems, Frontier reassured that customers’ Internet service remained unaffected. The company believes it has contained the breach and is working on restoring normal operations.

The cybercrime group likely stole personally identifiable information, although the exact extent of the data breach is still unknown. Telecom companies like Frontier are popular targets for hackers due to the vast amounts of personal information they gather, including customer proprietary network information. Breaching telecoms allows hackers to conduct more sophisticated cyber attacks, such as SIM swapping or phishing scams targeting customers.

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FTC) has taken steps to modernize data breach reporting rules for telecom companies, aiming to improve transparency and customer protection in case of cyber incidents. The proposed changes include eliminating waiting periods before companies can notify customers of data breaches.

Frontier Communications has not disclosed the number of victims or the specific data compromised in the cyber attack. The company’s shares dropped slightly following the breach disclosure, but Frontier assures that the incident will not significantly impact its financial status. Investigations are ongoing to determine the full scope of the breach.

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