- LSUS is hiring students for cybersecurity to address a worker shortage in the field.
- There are over half a million open positions in cybersecurity in the U.S.
LSUS is hiring students to work in its on-campus security operations center to help protect the system’s IT resources. With a growing shortage of cybersecurity workers in the U.S., the university aims to provide students with real-world experience and increase their hireability. The program will start by hiring two students in March, with plans to expand to 12 students. The students will undergo three months of training before starting work, contributing to the protection of the network while gaining valuable experience in the cybersecurity field.
James Jackson, LSUS IT security associate director, emphasizes the importance of cybersecurity as more data is stored online and the Internet of Things continues to expand. By providing students with hands-on experience in a security operations center, LSUS aims to bridge the gap in the cybersecurity workforce and offer students a strong foundation for future employment opportunities.