
Microsoft prioritizes security over AI post cyberattacks according to announcements

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  • Microsoft is prioritizing security over AI after cyberattacks by Russia and China.
  • Experts are concerned about AI-powered ‘cyber-physical’ attacks targeting critical infrastructure.

Microsoft has announced that it will focus on security over artificial intelligence following cyberattacks by Russia and China that exploited a bug in its system. The company’s President, Brad Smith, emphasized the importance of cybersecurity to Congress and stated that it would be a higher priority than AI, with CEO Satya Nadella taking personal accountability for security.

Experts are increasingly worried about AI-powered ‘cyber-physical’ attacks that could target critical infrastructure like electric grids and transportation systems. While nation-states have avoided physical infrastructure attacks due to the potential for them to be viewed as acts of war, bad actors are finding ways to exploit advanced AI-driven techniques to breach even the most robust cyber protection programs.

Additionally, research shows that two-thirds of countries holding elections in 2024 are facing cyber threats, including disinformation campaigns and disruptions to the electoral process from state-backed threat actors linked to Russia, China, or Iran. China has been implicated in cyber attacks during elections in Taiwan, and efforts to enforce tough measures against such threats may be complicated by trade relationships.

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