
Mysterious bandits responsible for cyber-attack on Barrie health clinics

1 min read

Summary of Cyber-Attack on Barrie Health Clinics


  • Barrie medical clinics experienced a ransomware attack
  • Barrie police are monitoring the situation but the attackers remain unknown

Barrie police are actively investigating a recent ransomware attack on a network of Barrie medical clinics. The Barrie and Community Family Health Team (BCFHT) reported a “cyber-security incident” involving their computer network. While there is no evidence of patient information being impacted, the incident has been forwarded to the fraud unit of the Barrie police. BCFHT is working with external legal counsel and cyber-security experts to contain and remediate the situation.

Despite ongoing efforts, the attackers behind the cyber-attack remain unknown. Barrie police have advised against paying the ransom, as there is no guarantee that the attackers will release the information. Similar cyber-attacks have been reported in other jurisdictions, highlighting the need for businesses to strengthen their cybersecurity measures to prevent becoming victims in the future.

Barrie police emphasize the importance of not paying ransoms and urge businesses to take proactive steps to ensure the security of their information. While investigations are ongoing, it is crucial for organizations to stay vigilant and update their security protocols to safeguard against potential cyber threats.

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