
North Korean hackers use COVERTCATCH Malware in LinkedIn job scams

1 min read


North Korean threat actors are using LinkedIn job scams to deploy COVERTCATCH malware, targeting developers in the Web3 sector. The malware is disguised as a coding challenge and is used to compromise macOS systems. This is part of a larger trend of North Korean hacking groups using job-related decoys to infect targets with malware. The FBI has warned about these targeted social engineering campaigns, particularly in the cryptocurrency industry. These attacks aim to steal credentials, conduct reconnaissance, and drain funds from organizations.

Article Summary:

Threat actors linked to North Korea are utilizing LinkedIn job scams to deliver COVERTCATCH malware to developers in the Web3 sector. The attackers disguise the malware as a Python coding challenge in a ZIP file, which includes a second-stage payload that establishes persistence on the target’s macOS system. This tactic is part of multiple activity clusters carried out by North Korean hacking groups, including Operation Dream Job and Contagious Interview, which use job-related decoys to infect targets with malware.

Mandiant, a subsidiary of Google, reported observing a social engineering campaign that distributed a malicious PDF posing as a job description for a VP of Finance and Operations at a cryptocurrency exchange. The PDF contained RustBucket malware, a backdoor written in Rust, that communicates with a hardcoded command-and-control domain to execute files and harvest system information.

These attacks on Web3 organizations extend beyond social engineering to include software supply chain attacks. Once malware establishes a foothold, attackers pivot to stealing credentials, conducting internal reconnaissance, and draining funds from victims. The FBI has issued warnings about North Korean threat actors targeting the cryptocurrency industry with highly personalized social engineering campaigns that aim to deceive victims into downloading malware.

In conclusion, the use of LinkedIn job scams by North Korean threat actors highlights the evolving tactics in cyber warfare, particularly in the cryptocurrency sector. Organizations are advised to be vigilant against such targeted attacks and ensure robust cybersecurity measures to protect their systems and data.

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