
Screen Secrets: Keeping Digital Payments Safe with Threat Intelligence

1 min read


  • Mastercard acquired threat intelligence company Recorded Future for $2.65 billion, highlighting the importance of cybersecurity in digital payments.
  • Threat intelligence plays a crucial role in preventing, identifying, and mitigating cyberattacks on digital payment systems.

Article Summary:

It is evident that in today’s digital world, where online commerce and payment systems are increasingly intertwined with complex technologies, the need for cybersecurity is more critical than ever. Mastercard’s recent acquisition of Recorded Future for $2.65 billion underscores the significance of threat intelligence in keeping digital payments secure. As digital payments become more prevalent, cyber threats targeting this ecosystem also become more sophisticated and frequent. Johan Gerber, Mastercard’s executive vice president of security solutions, emphasizes the importance of understanding the risks and developing robust strategies to protect digital payment systems.

The evolution of the digital payments landscape has introduced new vulnerabilities as emerging technologies lack maturity in security infrastructure compared to traditional payment systems. Threat intelligence plays a crucial role in combating cyber risks by collecting and analyzing data about potential threats. It helps businesses and financial institutions stay ahead of cybercriminals by anticipating their tactics, techniques, and procedures. Threat intelligence can provide real-time insights into emerging threats, identify vulnerabilities, detect fraudulent activities, and update security protocols to prevent financial loss.

Threat intelligence can be categorized into four main types: tactical, operational, strategic, and technical. Tactical threat intelligence focuses on immediate cybercriminal tactics, while operational intelligence provides insights into specific cyberattacks. Strategic intelligence offers a broader view of the threat landscape, focusing on trends and emerging risks. Technical intelligence involves collecting technical indicators of compromise to configure defense systems and prevent specific attacks. Overall, threat intelligence serves as a guardrail for digital payment systems, helping organizations protect against cyber threats and enhance security measures.

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