The Manx government is seeking views on proposals to prevent cyber-attacks on key services. The National Infrastructure Security Bill aims to safeguard services such as electricity, water, and telecommunications. The consultation aims to define what constitutes critical national infrastructure and introduces minimum levels of resilience and security for different sectors. The changes are designed to protect against potential disruptions to daily life and support the growth of the digital economy.
The Manx government is seeking views on proposals to prevent cyber-attacks on key services. A new National Infrastructure Security Bill is being developed to safeguard services such as electricity, water, and telecommunications. Residents and businesses have been asked to take part in an online survey to shape the new legislation, which aims to enhance cyber resilience and protect core digital services.
The consultation recognizes that the island is not immune to cyber threats, and the new bill is part of the government’s steps to protect essential services and infrastructure. The bill would follow measures introduced in other jurisdictions and remain flexible to meet fast-paced changes and threats.
The consultation also seeks views on what should be considered critical national infrastructure, from blue light services to waste management. It asks whether there should be a transitional period for telecommunications firms and whether there should be a minimum level of resilience and security specified for each sector.
The proposed legislation aims to ensure uninterrupted services, create a well-regulated environment, and support the growth of the digital economy. The government states that improved legislation would provide better protection against potential disruptions to daily life.
The consultation is open until 25 March and can be accessed online. Responses can also be submitted on paper to the Office of Cyber-Security and Information Assurance.