
Stay safe: Guard yourself and our University from cyber threats

1 min read

Cyber Security Reminder: Protect Yourself and the University


  • The University of Guelph experienced a cyber attack leading to a leak of personal information
  • Steps have been taken to improve security, such as enhanced monitoring and multi-factor authentication

As per the recent article, the University of Guelph was the target of a cyber attack resulting in the exposure of personal information of staff and students. This incident highlights the ongoing threat of cyber security breaches, emphasizing the need for vigilance to protect both individuals and the institution. In response to the attack, the University has implemented several security improvements to enhance its resiliency and protect against future threats.

Key initiatives include:

  • Improved security monitoring and detection for anomalies and events
  • Utilizing threat intelligence feeds from security partners and organizations like CanSSOC
  • Migration to a new anti-malware solution
  • Implementation of multi-factor authentication on all accounts
  • Strengthened controls for remote and privileged system access
  • Revision of cyber security incident response policies and related security guidelines

The article underscores the importance of individual responsibility in maintaining cyber security. Members of the University community are encouraged to:

  • Use strong and unique passwords for online accounts
  • Enable multi-factor authentication where available
  • Stay informed on phishing tactics and verify message authenticity
  • Keep devices updated with security patches
  • Consider having University-managed computers for added protection
  • Participate in cyber security awareness training provided by the University

It is emphasized that cyber security is a shared responsibility, and vigilance is key to safeguarding personal information and University systems. The Chief Information Security Officer, Stephen Willem, encourages reporting any suspicious activity to the CCS Help Centre and seeking assistance with cyber security concerns.

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