
Stay secure: learn to protect your crypto wallet from hackers now

1 min read


Evilcos, the founder of SlowMist, offers vital recommendations to fortify crypto wallets against exploits, emphasizing the importance of browser wallet security extensions, firewall protection, and proactive measures. He also highlights the need for investors to understand security protocols and prioritize safety over wealth accumulation.

Article Summary:

Crypto wallet security is a major concern due to prevalent thefts and hacks in the industry. Evilcos from SlowMist provides essential tips to protect crypto wallets, including:

  • Deepening understanding of wallet signature security
  • Using browser wallet security extensions like ScamSniffer
  • Integrating firewall protection and proactive measures

Evilcos highlights the importance of personal vigilance over automated solutions and cautions against prioritizing wealth accumulation. He emphasizes the need for investors to master security technologies themselves and acquire safety knowledge.

Crypto investors and projects have faced significant losses due to wallet hacks, with billions of dollars stolen in recent years. Despite a slight decrease in theft amounts in 2023, individual breaches have increased. North Korea-linked hackers stole millions from various crypto platforms in 2023. Even in 2024, wallet breaches leading to asset losses have occurred, such as the theft of 3,248 ETH valued at $9.5 million from Axie Infinity’s co-founder, Jeff Zirlin.

Evilcos stresses the importance of safety knowledge and proactive measures in safeguarding digital assets in the volatile crypto sphere. By understanding security protocols, using browser extensions, and integrating firewall protection, investors can better protect their crypto wallets and mitigate the risk of hacks and theft.

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