
UK’s new device security law is finally here

1 min read


Key Points: UK’s long-awaited Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure Act (PSTI) Act has come into force, placing legal duties on manufacturers to implement basic cyber security standards in connected products. The legislation aims to protect consumers and businesses from data privacy violations and cyber attacks.

Article Summary:

The long-awaited PSTI Act in the UK has finally been enacted, imposing legal obligations on manufacturers of electronic and smart home devices to uphold basic cybersecurity standards. This legislation, regarded as a world-first, originated from an IoT Code of Practice in 2018, eventually receiving Royal Assent in 2022. Key elements of the PSTI Act include banning insecure passwords, mandatory publication of contact details for issue reporting, and transparency on security update timelines. Non-compliance can incur hefty fines of up to £10m or 4% of global revenue.

The legislation covers a wide array of devices, from smart speakers to wearable fitness trackers, with exemptions for certain automotive vehicles currently being considered under separate legislation. The UK government views the PSTI Act as a significant step towards enhancing society’s resilience to cybercrime, particularly in a landscape where smart devices are pervasive.

Cybersecurity experts have praised the PSTI Act, especially applauding measures to address poor password practices, a common vulnerability exploited in past cyber attacks. While the law may not fully safeguard against complex threats, it represents a crucial stride in bolstering the UK’s cyber resilience. Recommendations from experts emphasize the importance of implementing comprehensive security controls and best practices to mitigate risks associated with connected devices.

In conclusion, the PSTI Act in the UK underscores the growing importance of cybersecurity in an increasingly connected world, with a focus on safeguarding consumer privacy, data, and finances from emerging threats.

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