
Uncover the Hidden World of Physical Penetration Testing

1 min read


Physical penetration testing aims to gain material access to company information or systems through methods like social engineering, lock bypassing, RFID cloning, shoulder surfing, and dumpster diving. These methods can reveal vulnerabilities that digital testing may miss, making physical penetration testing a crucial part of cybersecurity.

Article Summary:

Physical penetration testing is a practice that simulates in-person attacks to gain material access to company information or systems. While cyber incidents often focus on digital methods, physical risks cannot be overlooked as they can lead to data breaches and other security vulnerabilities. In 2023 alone, over 127,000 victims were affected by physical breaches, highlighting the importance of physical penetration testing.

The article discusses various methods and strategies used in physical penetration testing, such as social engineering, lock bypassing, RFID cloning, shoulder surfing, and dumpster diving. These techniques aim to highlight common vulnerabilities and reveal gaps in physical security that could be exploited by criminals.

Benefits of physical penetration testing include uncovering vulnerabilities that organizations may otherwise miss and strengthening defenses against future threats. Comprehensive physical security checks are essential in achieving thorough coverage and protecting businesses from all types of threats.

When implementing physical pen tests, organizations should carefully select accredited security firms with a proven track record. Customer support, turnaround times, and cost considerations are also important factors to consider when choosing a penetration testing service. Ultimately, businesses need to include physical penetration testing in their vulnerability assessments to ensure comprehensive cybersecurity.

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