
UnitedHealth CEO talks cyber attack at US House Subcommittee meeting

1 min read


  • UnitedHealth CEO to testify before US House subcommittee about Change Healthcare cyber attack
  • CEO Andrew Witty will discuss impact on systems, providers, and patients

The chief executive of UnitedHealth, Andrew Witty, is scheduled to appear before a US House subcommittee on 1 May to discuss the recent Change Healthcare cyber attack. The attack had significant effects on UnitedHealth’s systems, providers, and their patients. Subcommittee chairs expressed interest in learning more about the details of the breach and the response to it.

UnitedHealth CEO to Discuss Cyber Attack Before U.S. House Subcommittee

The chief executive of UnitedHealth, Andrew Witty, is set to testify before a US House subcommittee regarding the Change Healthcare cyber attack that occurred earlier this year. Witty will discuss the impact the attack had on its systems, providers, and their patients.

Subcommittee chairs Morgan Griffith and Cathy Rodgers expressed their anticipation to understand the lead-up to and aftermath of the attack. They are eager to iron out the details of the breach and the response to it.

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