
Webinar Recap: Stay Ahead of Cybersecurity Trends for 2024

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Webinar Recap: Cybersecurity Trends to Watch in 2024


– The adoption of AI by cyber attackers is a major trend in 2024, enabling more sophisticated phishing emails and social engineering attacks.

– Regulations and enforcement in cybersecurity are on the rise, with a focus on AI and data protection.


In a recent webinar, cybersecurity experts discussed key trends to watch in 2024. One major trend identified was the adoption of AI by cyber attackers, leading to more advanced phishing emails and social engineering tactics. The use of AI has allowed attackers to personalize messages and predict passwords more effectively, posing a significant threat.

Regulations in cybersecurity are also gaining traction, with a focus on AI and data protection. The discussion highlighted the need for smart regulations that can address evolving cyber threats while also considering the challenges faced by smaller businesses in complying with these regulations.

Additionally, the webinar addressed the changing workforce dynamics in cybersecurity, with an increasing number of American professionals working for foreign companies remotely. This churn in the industry is driven by the demand for skilled cybersecurity professionals and the flexibility offered by remote work arrangements.

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