
Trouble in tech town: Microsoft, npm, Nemesis under siege

1 min read


– Microsoft confirms Windows Server issue causing domain controller crashes

– Over 800 npm packages found with discrepancies

In March 2024, Microsoft confirmed that a security update for Windows Server was causing domain controller crashes due to a memory leak issue. This has impacted all domain controller servers using the latest Windows Server. Additionally, cybersecurity firm JFrog discovered over 800 npm packages with discrepancies, 18 of which were found to exploit a technique called manifest confusion, allowing for the installation of malicious code.

On a darker note, the Nemesis darknet marketplace was raided in a Germany-led operation, seizing and dismantling its infrastructure. Meanwhile, the hacktivist group Anonymous claimed to have breached the Shimon Peres Negev Nuclear Research Center, although there is no evidence they accessed the operational network. The VF Corporation was also targeted in a cyberattack, resulting in the exposure of basic customer information. Jacksonville Beach suffered a data breach involving the access of personal information, including Social Security numbers.

On the legal front, the US Justice Department has filed a lawsuit against Apple, accusing the tech giant of monopolizing the smartphone market to limit competition and consumer options. Additionally, a team of white hat hackers discovered a technique called Unsaflok that could open millions of hotel keycard locks in seconds. The technique involves rewriting data in the lock’s system using cloned keycards.

Overall, this article highlights the ongoing cybersecurity challenges faced by organizations and individuals, as well as the innovative techniques used by threat actors to exploit vulnerabilities.

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