
Level up your digital education with enhanced cybersecurity measures today

1 min read


  • The digital transformation in education has led to increased cybersecurity challenges.
  • EdTech platforms are vulnerable to phishing attacks, ransomware, and data breaches.

As technology becomes more prominent in education, the need for cybersecurity in digital education grows. Manit Kaushal, CTO & Co-founder of UPI Study, emphasizes the importance of protecting sensitive data in digital platforms. EdTech platforms face various cyber threats, with the education sector reporting high rates of ransomware attacks. Implementing strong security measures, such as unique passwords, regular updates, and user training, is crucial. AI and machine learning play a vital role in enhancing EdTech security, while legal and regulatory considerations also shape cybersecurity efforts in the sector. The constant evolution of cybersecurity in EdTech requires ongoing innovation and adaptation to stay ahead of cyber threats.

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