
Check out Satya Nadella’s memo prioritizing cybersecurity at Microsoft now

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  • Microsoft is prioritizing security as its top priority in response to recent high-profile attacks.
  • Satya Nadella has sent a memo to Microsoft employees outlining the new security overhaul and the importance of prioritizing security above all else.

In a memo obtained by The Verge, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella is emphasizing the importance of security for the company, making it clear that every employee should prioritize security above all else. This comes in response to a series of high-profile attacks in recent years and concerns raised by the US Cyber Safety Review Board.

Nadella is urging employees to approach the challenge of overhauling security with both technical and operational rigor, looking at every line of code as an opportunity to improve Microsoft’s security processes. The memo also mentions the need to prioritize security over other aspects, such as releasing new features or providing ongoing support for legacy systems.

Microsoft has faced security issues in recent years, including attacks by Chinese and Russian state-sponsored hackers. The company is overhauling its security processes to ensure that security is at the forefront of all product and service design. The Secure Future Initiative (SFI) launched by Microsoft aims to advance cybersecurity protection across new products and legacy infrastructure.

Nadella outlines three core principles that will guide the company’s security efforts: Secure by Design, Secure by Default, and Secure Operations. These principles will govern every facet of the SFI pillars, including protecting identities, secrets, networks, and engineering systems, as well as detecting threats and accelerating response and remediation.

Microsoft employees are expected to prioritize security in all their tasks, with accountability for security measures being tied to senior leadership team compensation. The company will also focus on continuous improvement and learning from adversaries to strengthen its overall security posture.

Overall, the memo highlights the critical importance of prioritizing security in the face of increasing cybersecurity threats and the need to build a more secure digital ecosystem for Microsoft’s customers.

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