In the first installment of Cyber Bytes for 2024, Tracy Ross and Michael Ramage of the Cyber Education and Research Center at Murray State University discuss the current state of cyber security. Ramage notes that cyber attacks have become more prevalent and widespread, affecting not only public institutions but also non-profit organizations. He emphasizes the importance of taking a holistic approach to cyber security, including implementing strong passwords, providing user awareness training, and following governmental guidelines. Ramage suggests seeking professional help rather than trying to handle cyber security alone.
Murray State University’s Cyber Education and Research Center offers resources and information on cyber security. The article also provides a link to the first installment of Cyber Bytes for further reading.
Key Points:
- The use of artificial intelligence has led to an increase in cyber attacks on public institutions and non-profit organizations.
- There is no longer any area that is off-limits to cyber attacks.
- A holistic approach, such as GRC (governance risk compliance), is recommended for cyber security.
- Setting strong passwords, providing user awareness training, and following governmental guidelines are important steps in cyber security.
- Seeking professional help can save businesses money in the long run by preventing attacks.
Source: WKMS